The Way there and Back, various material, 2018.
I was invited by The Aldrich Museum to participate in an exhibition of small objects. One day I carved a shoe and named it Lou, because it reminded me of a shoe Lou Reed would wear. That led to making a lot of other shoe shapes, I began to feel more like a cobbler than a sculptor. I liked that I would go to the studio knowing what I had to do, but there were times when I thought that this was a really dumb idea. I would leave the studio filled with doubts and the next day I would arrive and the shapes would make me happy, that was enough to keep going. I like working on things in series, there is a rhythm built into that.
The Domestic Plane, New Perspectives on Tabletop Art Objects, catalog. 2018.
My Things, 2018
I was also invited to create a visual essay for the catalog. Keeping with the theme of “small objects” I thought about all of the objects I touch in a day that I usually don’t pay much attention to.
Aldrich Museum Poster, 2018